Our Dogs : Malinois

  • Beta of Siam Crown IPO 3
  • Date of Birth 2008-02-01
  • Gender Male
  • Breed Malinois
  • pedigree
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Beta is IPO 3. He comes from our B litter.

Best IPO 3 score 284

Beta is from our B litter. His father is Bondy Tufra IPO III, his mother is Yahoo de Alphaville Bohemia ZVV2. His lines are primarily German descended from Arek von de Wautz. Beta earned his IPO 3 title on December 18 2010. Beta is very friendly with extreme work drives. He is fast and has a great grip. Beta's obedience is excellent with some of the best heeling we have seen. Beta is the first dog born in Thailand to achieve the IPO 3 title.

Here is a video link showing Beta at work.
Beta protection