Our Dogs : Malinois

  • Bondy Tufra IPO 3
  • Date of Birth 2004-05-27
  • Gender Male
  • Breed Malinois
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Bondy is titled IPO III

Bondy has his IPO III title and is our equivalent of the veteran team sports star. He has been in numerous IPO competitions in Europe almost always in the top ten. Bondy placed 4th in the 2007 Crown Prince Cup competition in Thailand. He is a large dog with considerable stature. Bondy is extremely people friendly and has been out at a number of public fairs which he clearly enjoys.Bondy comes from a mix of Des deux Pottois and Lowenfels lines with such well known champions as Kolos in his background. Bondy has proven to be an excellent stud dog. He continues in regular competition training.