Our Dogs : Malinois

  • Marko
  • Date of Birth 2002-01-01
  • Gender Male
  • Breed Malinois
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Marko trained to KNPV PH I level, security dog.

Marko was one of the reasons we became so avidly interested in the Malinois. Marko is a non pedigree Malinois. Marko was bred in the Netherlands and was sent to the U.S. Airforce training center in Texas. He was trained as a protection dog. We were fortunate enough to get Marko from the U.S. Airforce when he was less than two years old. We realized rather by accident that he had considerable KNPV training before going to Texas. Marko is currently trained to the level of KNPV PH 1. He is an excellent protection dog, but is extremely friendly around people and excellent inside the house. He is great on the agility course and his security work is phenomenal.