Siam Crown Kennel - Thailand
Asia's top working Malinois, Dutch Shepherds, Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs - Sports-Protection K9 Dogs
Jeab (Uthen Nathanrom)
Jeab is a very experienced handler/ trainer. He has been active in numerous Schutzhund/IPO competitions.
Jeab has trained and titled numerous dogs through to IPO 3, and has passed his FCI IPO Helper/Decoy exam with a B certificate. He is a three time winner of the Kings cup Trophy in Thailand.
Jeab handled Enrico v.d. Vroomshoeve at the 2009 FCI world championships in Austria.
Mike Selby
Proprietor of Siam Crown, licensed FCI/KCTH IPO trial judge, Mike has trained and titled dogs
in Schutzhund and IPO.
Rom Senakant
Manager and sensitive dog lover
Kennel Operations Supervisor
Lek Selby
Lek is pretty much in charge of everything